Tree Trimming

We offer complete tree service which includes tree cutting or trimming, topping, pruning, replanting and maintenance. Our tree cutting professionals make sure that your property is properly cleaned up when they are done.

Pruning is an essential part of maintaining healthy trees. Regular pruning ensures that trees produce new growth in the spring and don’t put all their energy into many smaller branches. It’s also important to prune away dead, diseased branches that might become a hazard.

But trimming trees can be a tough job. You don’t want to waste all your energy only to prune at the wrong time of year. Focus those efforts on pruning at the ideal time. Here’s when you should trim trees to keep them healthy.

In most cases, late winter trimming is the answer.

Gardeners typically don’t think of winter as an active season. When the weather turns cold, it’s time to retire indoors and forget about the garden for a while. The winter season is the perfect time to turn off “gardening brain” and get a rest from tiring yard work.

It’s also a great time to prune trees and shrubs. Because trees go dormant in cold weather, winter is the ideal time to prune and shape them. Without leaves, there’s less in the way. This makes it easier to visualize a tree’s branch structure. It’s vital to get this task done before the weather warms, so you’re not cutting into new growth. Late-winter, early-spring trimming helps trees sink all their valuable energy into producing healthy new growth once the weather warms.

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