Water drains

Is lack of proper drainage slowly undermining your foundation? Inadequate drainage results in an excessive amount of water in the soil under and around the foundation. This leads to soil expansion and shrinkage which can go unnoticed for years and is the primary cause for foundation problems. When it is finally spotted, the repair bills can be substantial.

This may not sound like a serious problem in Southern California due to a climate that can go many months without rain. What many don’t realize, however, is that one night of steady downpour can land many thousands of gallons of rain on and around your home. As it rains on average 34 times per year in this region, there are plenty of opportunities for lack of proper drainage to cause serious damage to any foundation.

Drains are underground pipes that take water away from houses and buildings. Most homes have separate drains for rainwater and wastewater. The owner is responsible for checking their property has the right drain connections. If your property has the wrong drain connections, you could be causing water pollution.

Drain for rainwater

This drain collects rainwater from:

  • roofs
  • driveways
  • roads

Rainwater is untreated. It’s also described as ‘storm water’. The surface water drain takes it directly to rivers and beaches. 

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